​​Beautiful lake michigan and lake huron shipwreck diving

 Blackdog is sanitized every day and has 2 sinks with soap, hot and cold running water at all times. To help with covid prevention wash your hands often.

Blackdog Charters llc.

​Blackdog is a 36' Uniflite Sport Sedan with twin Cummins 370HP diesel motors.  It has  multiple chart ploters and depth finders, radar, marine radios.

It is also has a full galley with hot and cold running water, large marine head (Bathroom), generator for AC power, walk through transom with a fin ladder on the large swim platform.  We have gear benches for 6 divers and lots of extra room for divers to move around..

The sea, once it cast its spell

holds one in its net of wonder forever.

                                   Jacques Cousteau